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How does rice cooker work?

A rice cooker is an electrical kitchen appliance designed to cook rice automatically. The basic principle behind a rice cooker is to use heat and moisture to cook rice.
Here is how a typical rice cooker works:
Water and Rice Measurement: The first step is to measure the appropriate amount of rice and water. The recommended ratio for most rice types is 1:1.5 (one cup of rice to one and a half cups of water).
Heat Up: Once the rice and water are in the rice cooker's inner pot, the rice cooker is turned on. A heating element at the bottom of the pot starts to heat up the water, bringing it to a boil.

Health-preserving Ceramic Pot 1.2L
Boiling Stage: As the water starts to boil, the temperature inside the pot rises to around 100°C. At this stage, the rice absorbs the water, and the starch begins to break down.
Temperature and Pressure Control: Once the rice has absorbed most of the water, the temperature inside the pot rises above 100°C. At this point, the rice cooker's thermostat automatically turns off the heat or lowers the heat setting to keep the rice from burning. In some rice cookers, a pressure sensor is used to regulate the cooking temperature and prevent overcooking or burning.
Steaming Stage: After the rice cooker has switched off, the rice is left to steam inside the pot for about 10-15 minutes. During this stage, the rice becomes tender and fluffy.
Finished Product: Once the steaming is complete, the rice cooker's timer goes off, indicating that the rice is ready. The rice can be served or left in the cooker to stay warm until it's time to eat.
Overall, a rice cooker is a very simple and convenient appliance that takes the guesswork out of cooking rice. Its automated process ensures that the rice is cooked to perfection every time, and it saves you the hassle of having to monitor the rice on the stove.