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How to use the coffee machine?

The exact steps for using a coffee machine may vary depending on the specific model and brand of the machine. However, here are some general steps that can be followed:
Fill the water tank: Most coffee machines have a removable water tank. Fill it with cold, fresh water. Check the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended amount of water.
Add coffee: Add coffee grounds to the filter basket. Again, the amount of coffee may vary depending on the strength you prefer and the manufacturer's instructions.
Place the carafe: Make sure the carafe is properly placed in the machine. Some machines have a sensor that won't start the brewing process unless the carafe is properly positioned.

Drip Coffee Maker Machine 0.6L
Turn on the machine: Plug in the coffee machine and turn it on.
Select your settings: Depending on your machine, you may be able to select the strength and size of your coffee. Follow the instructions for your specific machine.
Wait for the brewing process to complete: Depending on your machine, this may take several minutes. The machine will typically stop brewing automatically.
Pour and enjoy: Once the brewing process is complete, carefully remove the carafe and pour yourself a cup of coffee.
Remember to always consult the manufacturer's instructions for the specific coffee machine you are using, as the exact steps may vary.