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How to maintain rice cooker?

Maintaining your rice cooker is important to ensure that it works properly and lasts for a long time. Here are some tips for maintaining your rice cooker:
Clean the rice cooker regularly: After each use, unplug the rice cooker and let it cool down. Then, remove the inner pot and wash it with warm soapy water. Wipe the exterior of the rice cooker with a damp cloth.
Remove any excess water: Make sure to remove any excess water from the rice cooker after each use. This will prevent water from getting trapped inside the cooker and causing damage.
Check the power cord: Check the power cord regularly for any signs of damage. If you notice any fraying or exposed wires, stop using the rice cooker immediately and replace the cord.

Intelligent Rice Cooker 1.2L
Store the rice cooker properly: When not in use, store the rice cooker in a dry and cool place. Make sure to keep the power cord neatly wrapped and out of the way.
Descale the rice cooker: If you live in an area with hard water, you may need to descale your rice cooker periodically. To do this, fill the inner pot with equal parts water and vinegar and run the cooker as usual. Then, rinse the pot with clean water and wipe it dry.
By following these tips, you can keep your rice cooker in good working condition and ensure that it lasts for a long time.